Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why You Shouldnt Delay a Job Offer

Why You Shouldnt Delay a Job OfferWhy You Shouldnt Delay a Job OfferAs we approach mid-year, its a good time to check the pulse of IT hiring across North America so you can be confident about any job offer your company makes.Robert Half Technology continues to see strong demand for talented IT pros who can help companies implement technology solutions to achieve their business objectives. We also continue to see companies miss out on hiring qualified professionals because they delay making the job offer, even to a qualified candidate who has gone through the full interview process.When you delay a job offer, a competing company can swoop in, negotiate an offer and take the candidate off the market. When this happens, you have to start the process all over, losing valuable time and effort. Many times you dont find a candidate equal to the one you lost.Here are some tips to help you avoid job offer delays and streamline the hiring processHave your budget approvedNot having approvals in place before you start the hiring process can slow things down. Is the job requisition approved? Is the budget approved? Do you have the authority to negotiate and sign off on the offer without having to engage other company resources at the brde minute? Know the answers to all of these questions before starting the hiring process. Even a one-day delay can mean losing out on a potential employee.Finalize the job descriptionDo you have a finalized job description and know the required skills necessary to perform the job duties? Many times we see an employer who is not exactly sure what they are looking for in a candidate. They add additional requirements and skills to their wish list late in the hiring process. This wastes time because it means current candidates may be interviewing for a job they are no longer qualified for, and your company has to start the search process again.Define your company interview processIdentify your process and stick to it. Ive seen many firms take a c andidate through the interview process and not extend an offer even though the candidate is quite qualified. They add more meetings and extra steps, such as one additional manager interview, a team interview, etc. Fewer steps increases your odds that the candidate is still available when you do make the offer.Waiting for the perfect candidateDont lose out on a very good candidate while you continue looking for another that likely doesnt exist. Many times that perfect partie never comes along and you lose out on a highly qualified individual who would be great in the position at your company. If a candidate possesses the must-haves to be successful in a job, consider moving forward with a job offer even if they may not possess all the nice-to-haves. Keep in mind that nearly a quarter of IT pros we surveyed lose interest in a job one week after the initial interview. If you wait too long, another employer will likely hire them.Know current market trends in hiring, pay and benefitsMany hiring managers approach their hiring based on articles they read that reflect flat employment trends. This leads them to believe there are plenty of IT pros conducting a job search, so there is no reason to rush making a job offer. But its not a flat employment market for tech pros, unlike some other sectors of the job market. Unemployment rates for skilled IT pros are lower than those of the overall employment market. Know the current salary requirement for the job in your market so when you negotiate over salary, you are confident that your numbers are accurate. Offer the best benefits you are able to, and make sure what you offer is on par with other employers in your area and industry.Get over past hiring mistakesIf youve never made a bad hire, you probably have not done a lot of hiring. When youve hired someone who doesnt work out as youd hoped, you may be much more cautious the next time you hire. Dont let past mistakes allow you to miss out on someone who could be your next great lead developer or help desk manager. Tightening up your due diligence is a good idea, such as checking references thoroughly, but dragging out your hiring process because youre nervous can mean missing out on top talent.The success of technology initiatives depends on the people you have working to solve the problem. When you have an open seat on your team, your project timeline and budget are at risk. Its tough to find qualified candidates - when you do, move swiftly.Hiring? We can help you find qualified candidatesREQUEST IT TALENTThis post has been updated to reflect more current information.

Monday, December 23, 2019

Routinely is like Rent the Runway for workout clothes

Routinely is like Rent the Runway for workout clothesRoutinely is like Rent the Runway for workout clothesThis has definitely happened to you. You are all set to go to the gym after work only to find that you forgot yur workout clothes or sneakers. Or you have bottoms, but no top. Or you didnt pack clothes for your business trip but ended up with a lot of downtime that could be spent doing a fun class or hitting the hotel gym. Well, guess youll just sit in a corner and twiddle your thumbs then (and probably gain weight while youre at it, according to a recent survey by Hilton Hotels on business travel.) Cue Routinely.This new startup is essentially Rent the Runway but for workout clothes. Started by co-founders Will Tso and Eric Navarro it essential has made the whole I cant work out because I forgot my clothes excuse a non-starter. You can either request to rent a full kit, curated for you, which includes sneakers and a full workout outfit (everything froma sports bra, tank top,legg ings, hairtie, to newsocks) or you can just rent individual items. Then you select a delivery time option (they can be sent to your office, hotel or apartment) and simply return two days later (but you can keep the socks).Youre provided with a prepaid label and can leave it with the front desk at partnered studios they just teamed up with Manhattan fitness studio NEO U and Arlo hotels in Manhattan or can drop it off at any FedEx box. And it is only a $10 packageGet your sweat onAnd no, you do not have to wash the clothes. Our goal is to remove the packing, laundry, and shopping research efforts associated with workout clothes. We want our users to discover cool new brands through us when and where they want, hassle-free, Tso told Ladders.Some of the brands they are working with include retail giants like Lululemon, Adidas and Under Armour but also smaller, super trendy brands like Outdoor Voices. Tso and Navarro came up with the idea in 2017 when they were both often traveling for w ork. Even though fitness/health/balance may not be most important when were stressed/busy, we always found ourselves compromising and giving into excuses. We realized lots of people deal with the same problem, so we wanted to create a solution that takes out the hassles of planning for your workout.They were originally going to focus the brand on just travelers but then decided to expand their market. I think the pain points around workout clothes are biggest for travelers actually. Lots of people chalk their health up as a loss when theyre on the road because of not having enough luggage space, not wanting to pack sweaty clothing back in, etc. Our travel customers absolutely love our serviceThe co-founders said they did lose a lot of sleep over whether people would rent workout clothes and pay for it but they so far the response has been strong. Weve been able to convert people when we target them at the pain point (e.g. I forgot my workout clothes but booked a class). Once users a dopt, they realize that our clothes/shoes are just as nice, if not nicer than their own, and love itCurrently, Routinely is only available in Manhattan but they hope to be in San Francisco by Q2 2019 as well as partner with other fitness studios and channels like ClassPass and Mind Body Green.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

How losing just two hours of sleep can affect your mood

How losing just two hurs of sleep can affect your moodHow losing just two hours of sleep can affect your moodFeeling as though youve woken up on the wrong side of the bed and the hustle and bustle of your commute is more of a bug-bare than normal? If you get even a couple of hours less sleep than usual, then this could be a reason why youre feeling more grumpy,according to research from the Iowa State University.To prevent feeling cranky and having a shorter fuse try and include these health tips into your daily routine, to help you get a fulfilling nights sleep1. Night sweats are leid to be ignoredIf you find yourself waking with night sweats you want to be clear whether you have woken because you are sweating, or if you have woken up and then started to sweat. If the sweat wakes you up then you may be having a menopausal night sweat and should look into ways of reducing this, such as eating healthy foods little and often. However, if you wake and then you start to sweat, or get oth er symptoms like palpitations, or just feel wide awake then this is most likely caused by an adrenaline surge because your blood sugar has dropped during the night.Its important to keep your blood sugar in balance during the day. One way you can help do this is by having a small snack of complex carbohydrates, such as an oatcake, half a slice of wheat or rye bread, about an hour before bed. This will stop your blood sugar dropping overnight, and prevent adrenaline from being released into your bloodstream and causing you to wake, recommends Dr. Marilyn Glenville, author of The Natural Health Bible for Women.2. Is your gut health preventing your snoozing time?The beneficial bacteria in the gut work hard to produce and regulate hormones and neurotransmitters that can help to keep you feeling calm and relaxed. Your gut microbes can even lower levels of cortisol, the notorious stress hormone that rears its head in times of anxiety and can keep you awake and feeling anxious. Your good ba cteria, when given the right environment and food (such prebiotics and fiber) also produce GABA, a calming amino acid that is crucial for restorative deep sleep.Sleep-wake cycles are largely regulated by melatonin, a hormone produced by your brains pineal gland in response to changing light each day. As darkness begins to fall, the pineal gland secretes melatonin, which makes you start to feel sleepy. Levels of this hormone stay relatively high throughout the night while you sleep, and then drop off again as light emerges in the morning, easing you into wakefulness.Balanced microbiota in your gut can boost your bodys supply of melatonin, by increasing your blood levels of tryptophan, an amino acid precursor to melatonin that can keep your sleep-wake cycles in sync. Tryptophan also converts to serotonin in the body. Studies show that a deficiency of serotonin disrupts sleep-wake cycles, so having plenty of gut microbes to maintain steady levels of tryptophan in the body leads to more serotonin and a better sleep, explains Accredited Nutritionist MSc/BSc at sense, Dimitra Sentelidou.3. Take note of timingsKeep to a sleep routine, if possible setting your alarm to wake you up at the same time each day, regardless of the time you finally fall asleep. It is also a good idea to TRY and be in bed by 10 pm although this is not always easy4. Use relaxation or visualization techniquesIf you find that your mind will not shut off then you need to retrain it to calm down as you go to bed. Sometimes the easiest way to do this, especially if you have an active mind, or are a worrier, is to get your mind to think of something else. Take yourself off to a wonderful beach, or a beautiful garden, and let all your senses become involved. Hear the sounds on that beach, smell the flowers in the garden, feel the sand through your toes, picture the blue sky and really make the distribution policy come alive. Each night that you do this, you will find that the time it takes to go to sleep will get shorter and shorter because going to this beautiful place signals to your brain that this is the time for sleep.5. Stay clear of a restful nights sleep by eating broccoliWhy not make it part of your new years resolution to include sleep-friendly foods in your diet? Steamed broccoli is packed with B vitamins, which are essential to support your brain health. Broccoli is also rich in tryptophan, which as mentioned above, converts to serotonin in the body.6. Soothing smellsWhen you go to bed feeling relaxed youre more likely to fall asleep easily and quickly. Dr Marilyn Glenville suggests incorporating scented oils into your bedtime routine. Try using aromatherapy oils such as bergamot, lavender, roman chamomile and marjoram in a warm bath, just before bed. A few drops of lavender oil on your pillow at bedtime can also help.7. Up your magnesiumMagnesium is known as natures tranquiliser as it helps to relax our muscles, which in turn can help us fall into a peaceful sleep . Try and include plenty of magnesium-rich foods in your diet such as, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, fish and leafy green vegetables. Id also recommend taking KalmAssure Magnesium Powder, by Natures Plus (24.50, This is a naturally chelated magnesium which means it is very easy to absorb and easily delivered to the tissues, explains Nutritionist Cassandra Barns.8. Write things downWrite down what you need to do the next day at least an hour before bed. The aim is to stop the dialogue in your head which can end up stopping you from getting off to sleep, or else waking you up in the middle of night remembering something that has to be done the next day, advises Dr. Marilyn Glenville.9. Cut out the night capYou might think that enjoying a glass of wine before bed is one of the easiest ways to get to the land of nod, but it could actually leave you waking up feeling less than refreshed. Dr. Marilyn Glenville explains, Avoid alcohol. Not only does it affect blood su gar levels causing adrenaline and cortisol to be released, but it also blocks the transport of tryptophan into the brain. Tryptophan is important because it is converted into serotonin, the calming and relaxing neurotransmitter.10. Keep your bedroom comfortable and restfulPay attention to the temperature in your room and make sure its not too warm and not too cold. Cooler is better than warmer. Keep the room restful a quiet, dark, cool environment sends signals to your brain that it is time to wind down. Invest in a good bed If your bed or mattress is uncomfortable or more than ten years old it may need replacing.This article was originally published on YourCoffeeBreak.

Saturday, December 14, 2019

7 huge time-wasters at work and what you can do about them

7 huge time-wasters at work and what you can do about them7 huge time-wasters at work and what you can do about themWhen I started my job as a content writer, there were so many new things to take in. Coming from the hectic world of broadcast journalism, I landed in a world powered by strict rules, established processes, and order. It required some adjusting on my part - I went from running around with a camera crew to sitting in front of my laptop, sipping tea, and writing one sentence after another.It also changed my perception of workplace interruptions. In the field, you expect distractions. In the office, the environment is tailored to make people as efficient and productive as possible quiet and spacious rooms, an optimal temperature, and minimal external influences.But it turns out that when you get the big distractions out of the way, the small things can turn into the biggest time wasters.Here are a seven common office time-wasters and how you can avoid them to be more prod uctive.1. Unclearly defined tasksWhen I first started my current job, I was given the assignment to write a blog deutsche bundespost about teamwork. I was confident in my research abilities, so I refused to ask for help or guidance on form, style, length, and focus.As it turns out, doing a post on teamwork is like doing a post on the cosmos - the topic is so vast that I didnt know how to approach it. It took me three full days before I finally gave in and requested clarification. If you ever find yourself in the similar predicament, the worst thing you can do is say nothing. Talk to your manager and go over your tasks until you have a firm grasp on what is expected of you. 2. Futile researchEach position has its white whale something that is rather expected to be done but is never quite achievable. For a salesperson, that is the sale of the century for a developer, its a string of code that works on the first try and for a content writer, its the creation of original, relevant post without wasting countless hours on research. During the first few weeks on the job, I realized that a lot of Internet content is recycled. Finding an original, relevant post about a certain topic can feel like nothing short of a miracle. There are two ways to handle this you can either continue to work as usual, or you can find an unusual solution. I turned to sources so that I could write posts that were 100% original.3. Unorganized notes There is nothing wrong with taking notes on pieces of paper (as long you dont lose them), but relying solely on a notepad or countless sticky notes may not be the best approach.Until recently, I carried a notebook and a pen with me at all times. Now, I rely on Evernoteto make digital notes. Hundreds of pages take up a lot less space if they are comfortably snuggled in your phone.This approach will help you keep your knowledge and thoughts at the tip of your fingers, organized and accessible at all times.4. Overflowing inboxI hadnt heard of the te rm Inbox zero before I started working as a content writer. At that point, I found it odd that somebody would have trouble managing their inbox.Was I naive Now, I am swarmed with emails from relevant and irrelevant sources, and managing my inbox takes a bite out of my precious time.To be more productive with emailing, I schedule a meeting with myself. Each morning, I spend about 30 minutes focused solely on sorting, answering, and archiving received emails - no distractions allowed. There are multiple tools that can help you organize your inbox, but I rely on Gmail and its multiple inboxfeature. 5. Lengthy pointless meetings Many of us require continuous periods of concentrated work to get anything done. Poorly-scheduled and unnecessary meetingscan turn a four-hour assignment into a six-hour one. If you want to maintain your productivity throughout the day, insist on short,well-planned, morning stand-up meetings. They are the least likely to waste your time and interfere with your work.If, however, you need inspiration for your latest assignment, do not rush yourself. Take the time to sit down with your coworkers during a coffee break and discuss potential approaches. The occasional brainstorm is a perfect way to get those creative juices flowing.6. Toxic workplaceToo much noise or an awkward silence can both be equally bad in the office. Negative energy can refocus your attention on the task at hand to trivial matters that happen around you. The situation can be especially difficult if one member of your team is a dreaded toxic co-worker. If possible, ask to work remotely. If that is not an option and you are required to stay at the office, try to isolate yourself from the source of stress as much as possible. Either move to another room, or simply choose a comfy set of headphones, play some music, or gruppierung everything out with white noise. Personally, I found the sound of rain perfect for achieving full focus. 7. Unnecessary procedures This is the ulti mate time waster. Sometimes, unnecessary procedures can be minor, and sometimes they can be outright annoying. They are often caused by an incompetent manager or an attachment to the relic of when things were done differently.If you notice procedures like this, alert the management and point out that a certain process is consuming time and effort for no justified reason. They will either recognize that theres a problem and make adjustments, or they will dismiss your complaint and deem procedure necessary on account that it has always been done that way. If latter is the case, you may want to consider changing companies.Final wordsEven though each of these time wasters may not seem that serious, theystill can be a serious drain on productivity, preventing you from focusing on real work, causing you stay over time, or making you take the stress of the unfinished business home to your family. You should look to eliminate them right away.

Monday, December 9, 2019

Reported Buzz on Good Words for Resume Discovered

Reported Buzz on Good Words for Resume Discovered What You Need to Know About Good Words for Resume In the event you werent passionate about a part of the role, its assumed that you wouldnt be applying for the position. Resume objectives can be a little controversial. No one would like to read a CV thats formatted with a very small font and no white space To begin with, you might have already included all the required words throughout your resume and may not own a need to put in a distinct section to the resume. There might be occasions when you locate a word thats mentioned on places, the work description. A great method to demonstrate that youre organized is to compose a well-organized resume. Broadly speaking, the more detailed youre, the better. What Everybody Dislikes About Good Words for Resume and Why Its imperative to point out your work ethic and abilities related to it. To accomplish that, you have to be in a position to pitch yourself and your abilities. notlage just that, the candidate is in a position to create new products that could draw more customers, and ultimately increase profits. Instead, utilize quite a few terms that most describe your accomplishments to show employers the reach of your achievements. New Ideas Into Good Words for Resume Never Before Revealed Throughout the world wide web, there are lots of resources which can help you construct a powerful resume. Thus, theres no need to attempt to build one resume profile or write a single profile title that fits every position you need to submit an application for. A good posting for a nursing position will consist of experiences particular to the profession. Like the other elements of your job application, there are nice and bad resume examples as soon as it comes to social proof. For warehousing, the extra skills section is generally more important than the education section. Actually, there are particular jobs in which its important to set a skill section at or close to the top of the resume. Take a look at the requirements for a number of jobs you want to apply for, and build a resume profile title that comprises the most crucial requirements from each. Lets make certain you make the absolute the majority of the opportunity that your resumes skills section can offer. Rewriting your resume for each new possible employer is plenty of work, but it might provide you an advantage. It is quite a bit more convincing to demonstrate the recruiter that youre a hard-worker than to inform them. Hiring managers want to scan your resume and locate the information that they need in record time in buchen that they are able to move on to the next resume. For example, a hiring manager for a construction company might be more interested in how much you are able to lift, how reliable youre, and whether youre able to learn new skills quickly. After that, utilize the words and ideas gleaned from your studying to show recruiters youre conscious of their requi rements and can accommodate them. In order to reveal your employer what youre made of, you must make an attempt in locating the correct words. The perfect words can grab the interest of a prospective employer and set you on your way to a work interview. Finding the appropriate words to use is quite important if writing a resume because you would like to direct and right to the point so the employer knows what sort of person and worker youre. To put it differently, it is an important game changer. Fortunately for the work seeker, you may use tools to determine which words are optimal foryour resume. Power words are used for a number of explanations. Utilizing power words is the secret to success, but it is not the conclusion of the resume-writing story.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Lost Secret of Tips for Writing Resume Working Towards You Ba

The Lost Secret of Tips for Writing Resume Working Towards You Ba If you need assistance finding the popular and relevant keywords and phrases in a work description, consider developing a word cloud with some of the job listings that interest you on free sites like Wordle. So long as you include all the appropriate info, sometimes a different look can be what makes you stick out from the remaining part of the applicants. The info on your resume is a significant aspect in landing you your dream job, which explains why you should find out the best advice for writing a great resume. Burying important info in the center, or at the bottom, of your resume is the quickest means of burying your odds of receiving an interview. Resume job objectives are easy to write as soon as you have a couple essential guidelines. The absolute fruchtwein important consideration to keep in mind while you document your education is honesty. Your resume should be formatted in an easy, professional met hod. Utilizing a student resume template can help you save you time and effort in addition to offer you ideas on which sections to include and the way to complete them to be able to draw the appropriate employers. Tips for Writing Resume Working Towards You Ba - Overview In spite of no experience, you still ought to show experience. For each resume you send out, you will want to highlight only the accomplishments and techniques which are most relevant to the job at hand (even if this indicates that you dont incorporate all your experience). Teaching jobs usually need specific degrees and certifications, so be certain to highlight your education. For instance, if youre asking for a job as an administrative assistant, you dont will need to discuss the way your role for a babysitter helped improve your childcare skills, but you might share the way the experience helped you cultivate time management abilities and the capacity to juggle a number of tasks simultaneously. The Hidd en Truth About Tips for Writing Resume Working Towards You Ba If you have little teaching experience, include volunteer positions and co-curricular pursuits that involve teaching in some manner. You will also find a good example of a resume written especially for an early childhood education job. If education is easily the most prominent portion of your experience, put it towards the top. In that case, your education matters far more. You may probably get by with no more than two or three standard resumes, which you will then adapt further for particular clients. Whenever your resume is updated on a normal basis, youre all set to pounce when opportunity presents itself. More than that, youre going to learn just what to do next to expand your organization analysis opportunities. How to Get Started with Tips for Writing Resume Working Towards You Ba? Writing an objective is extremely easy. 1 A resume summary is a brief, snappy introduction paragraph that gives a summary of yo ur very best work. When writing a resume, it helps to review resume examples that are linked to your occupation. The Truth About Tips for Writing Resume Working Towards You Ba In case you have any part-time work, that will go a ways towards a fantastic experience section. Men and women that are short think they arent being hired since they are short. The direction you present your experience can actually have a substantial effect on your probability of getting an interview. The majority of the time the men and women that are reading the resume really dont have a thing to do with the job and dont have any direct experience with it.